Monday, February 10, 2014


Hey guys! Gaby here again, A little update on my Damon Braces :D
I got my braces put on again on December 12,2013. So, I've had them for almost 2months and so far so good. Nothing too uncomfortable.I would like to say though. I AM IMPRESSED. Within 2 days I saw a HUGE diffrence. My two front teeth were no longer "crooked". A week later my jaw felt more relaxed and not so tense, still felt the clicking and popping but not as loud as originally. 2 weeks in treatment, I couldn't hear the popping of my jaw when I ate. To me, that is a BIG improvement because I couldn't open my mouth enough to bite my food comfortably. Now, (almost 2 months later) I only hear the popping of my jaw when I open Super wide :3 but other than that I can open my mouth without hearing that annoying popping. [Current AW* size .014x.025Niti upper and lower]  

-Gaby <3

AW: Archwires are curved wire that extends through each bracket slot and into the band in either the upper or lower dental arch. They are made from:
  • Nickel titanium
  • Stainless steel
  • Gold
  • Ceramic coated nickel titanium and stainless steel

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to write this informative post on your braces journey. I'd like to congratulate you on your work. Have a great rest of the day and keep posting.
    Dentist Philadelphia
